🎄🎁 🐟 Christmas time gift rush 🐟 🎁🎄

Need a last minute gift idea for yourself?

Need to give a gift idea to a still undecided relative?

Whether you’re a freshwater and saltwater fly fishing addict, Brittany Fly Fishing gift vouchers may be your easiest solution!

I can personalize gift vouchers and email them until the last minute

Contact: [email protected]

2022 guiding season will most likely be intense.

Please anticipate your bookings. I currently take reservations for the prime weeks.

Wild brown trout ​​​​​​improved river guiding

Improved lake fishing strategies from Sheelin Irish boat (also wading from shore) on my home pristine Drennec Lake

European seabass on the fly from my fly fishing skiff with state-of-the art trolling motor with Spot-Lock function (active anchoring)

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